2000kw 1800kw 1600kw 1200kw Imported Cummins diesel generator set containerized unit for use on offshore wind power platforms

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Diesel generator sets are crucial for providing reliable backup power and essential services on offshore wind platforms, ensuring the continued operation of critical systems and equipment, especially during grid outages or emergencies.

Here’s a more detailed explanation:
Why Diesel Generators are Needed:
Backup Power:
Offshore wind farms and platforms rely on a stable and reliable power supply, and diesel generators act as a backup in case of grid failures or issues with the wind turbines themselves.
Critical Systems:
These generators power essential systems on the platform, including:
Safety systems: Firefighting equipment, emergency lighting, and communication systems.
Maintenance and operation: Power for cranes, forklifts, and other equipment used for maintenance and construction.
Accommodation and living quarters: Power for the crew’s living quarters, including heating, lighting, and other amenities.
Remote Location:
Offshore platforms are often located far from shore, making it difficult to quickly access power from the grid. Diesel generators provide a readily available and independent power source.
Key Features and Considerations:
Reliability and Robustness:
Diesel generators used in offshore applications must be highly reliable and robust, capable of operating in harsh and challenging marine environments.
Due to space constraints on offshore platforms, generator sets are often designed to be compact and lightweight.
Low Emissions:
There’s a growing focus on reducing emissions from offshore operations, leading to the development of more efficient and cleaner-burning diesel generators.
Safety Features:
Generators are equipped with safety features to prevent accidents and ensure the safety of personnel, such as fire suppression systems and explosion-proof enclosures.
Fuel Storage:
Diesel generators require a sufficient fuel storage capacity to ensure they can operate for extended periods during outages or emergencies.
Examples of Companies and Technologies:
MTU Solutions:
MTU offers a range of diesel generator sets designed for offshore applications, known for their reliability, compact size, and low emissions.
DBR Generator sets:
DBR designs and builds generator sets for marine and offshore applications, focusing on reliability, stability, and low maintenance.
Aggreko provides generator solutions for offshore wind farms, including those used for the construction and installation of turbines.
cummins offers marine engines and diesel generators for offshore applications, emphasizing reliability and durability.
Perkins engines are used in generator sets for offshore wind farms, known for their compact size and efficiency.

Post time: Mar-28-2025